AQUIFOLIACEAE - - Holly Family

Ilex opaca Aiton — American Holly

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{Ilex opaca}
Flowers - pistillate with sterile stamens (Photo: Bobby Hattaway)

{Ilex opaca}

{Ilex opaca}
Flowers / Leaves

{Ilex opaca}
Flowers / Leaves

{Ilex opaca}
Fruit / Leaves

{Ilex opaca}
Fruit / Leaves

{Ilex opaca}
Fruit / Leaves

{Ilex opaca}
Yellow fruited form (Photo: Bobby Hattaway)

American Holly (Ilex opaca) - Tree up to 15 m. tall, with spreading branches and pale-gray bark; leaf-blades 4—10 cm. long, flat or nearly so, rather deeply sinuate; sepals of the pistillate flowers aciminate, ciliate; drupe globose to ovoid-globose, 8—10 mm. in diameter, bright-red, or yellow, nutlets 6—7 mm. long.


In a wide variety of forests, ranging from xeric to wetland.

Habitat information from:
Weakley, Alan S., Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States, Working Draft of 21 May 2015.


The range of Ilex opaca

The range of Ilex opaca (American Holly)

Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2015. North American Plant Atlas. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2015. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)].

The range of Ilex opaca

The Georgia range of Ilex opaca (American Holly)

Zomlefer, W.B., J.R. Carter, & D.E. Giannasi. 2014 (and ongoing). The Atlas of Georgia Plants. University of Georgia Herbarium (Athens, Georgia) and Valdosta State University Herbarium (Valdosta, Georgia). Available at:

Guide to the Trees of North Georgia and Adjacent States
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